5 September / 2:26 PM
Cattle & Poultry Feed Business

How To Start A Small Scale Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing Business
Any individual can start a cattle and poultry feed manufacturing business as small and large scale basis. In addition, you can also start only cattle feed or only poultry feed manufacturing. However, according to the product you want to produce, you will need to procure machinery. However, the starting of both cattle and poultry feed manufacturing from the same unit is more viable financially. You can start this business with moderate capital investment. The manufacturing process is simple. Finally, you can procure the raw materials from the local wholesale market.
The success of a commercial livestock farming largely depends on the continuous supply of good quality nutritious feeds. In India, the major portion of livestock caters to cattle and poultry farming. So, cattle and poultry feed manufacturing is a profitable business here. In this article, we intend to explore how to start a small scale cattle and poultry feed manufacturing business.
Cattle & Poultry Feed Market Potential
The Indian poultry feed industry, dependent on the sound growth of poultry has a great untapped potential. However, the southern part of India holds the maximum share of poultry production and consumption. Market researchers anticipate the poultry feed market to grow at a CAGR of around 8% during 2012-13 to 2016-17.
In coming years, the potential for packaged feed is expected to grow at a higher pace as compared with the traditional feed. In addition, the per capita consumption of milk, eggs, and broiler meat is growing rapidly. The Indian feed industry is undergoing a very exciting phase of growth for the next decade. So we can conclude a small scale cattle and poultry feed manufacturing business is a techno-commercially profitable project.
Capital Investment For Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing
Generally, this type of manufacturing business demands two types of capital investment. One is fixed capital and another is working capital investment. Working capital cost includes raw material, staffing, transportation and other daily basis expenses. However, keep in mind, this type of products demand adequate distribution after the production. And it attracts a moderate capital investment in marketing and transportation.
NABARD is an apex institution for all matters relating to policy, planning and operations in the field of agricultural credit. It serves as an apex refinancing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit. It promotes development through formulation and appraisal of projects through a well organised Technical Services Department at HO and Technical Cells at each of the ROs. Definitely, you can avail the financial assistance from NABARD. However, you must prepare a bankable project report to avail the subsidy from NABARD.
Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing Legal Compliances
In starting this business, you will need to obtain different registration and licenses from the Govt. authority. Here we put some of the basic requirements. However, it is advisable to check your state law.
Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing Plant & Machinery
You can start this manufacturing business with an area of 600 Sq Ft. In addition, you must provide utilities like electricity and water. Some of the basic required machines are
Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process of cattle feed and poultry feed is relatively simple. In addition, it consists of reduction of size and blending of the various ingredients as per the formula.
Poultry Feed
First of all, select the ingredients in the right ratio. Then pass them through a disintegrator or pulverize to reduce the size of the particles to the required mesh size. Then weight the different powdered raw materials as per the formula. Put them into a ribbon blender for uniform mixing. Then add vitamins minerals mixes and molasses at this stage. When uniformly mixed, extrude the materials to get in pallet form or the finished product. Thus obtained is taken out as such and is packed in gunny bags.
Generally, you will find 5 different types of poultry feed in the market. These are Layer mash, Grower mash, Chick mash, Boiler starter mash & Boiler finisher mash. And you will need to maintain the different mixing formula for different types of the product.
Cattle feed
The formulation of cattle feed largely depends on the various of cattle, milk yield, dairy ration etc. It is also important that the availability of the basic raw materials and their prevailing prices must be kept in mind while formulating the cattle feed.
Raw Materials For Cattle & Poultry Feed Manufacturing
Cattle Feed:
Wheat bran, Groundnut extraction (or cake), Rice bran extraction ( or cotton seed bran), Maize, Damaged Wheat, Cottonseed, Molasses, Salt, Calcium carbonate, Mineral mixture & Vitamin mix etc.
Poultry Feed:
Maize, Rice polish, Rice germ, Damaged wheat, Molasses, Groundnut, Alfalfa meal, Fish Metal, Shell grit, Sunflower cake, Mineral mixture, Vitamin mix etc.
Every different type of feed demands different mixing formula. And it makes the packaged feed more special than homemade feed. In cattle and poultry feed manufacturing, quality is the most crucial issue. So you have to maintain the quality of the product to get the long-term success in this business.
