14 January / 4:56 PM
Herbal Products Industries

25 Top Small Scale Herbal Products Business Opportunities
Herbal Products industry is booming globally. Manufacturing, distribution, retail and online retailing are the major profitable field for the entrepreneurs. The objective of crafting this article is to provide a list of 25 top small scale herbal products business opportunities to the individuals who are seriously looking for the same.
Herbal products continued to perform well in 2015, posting current value growth of 10%, albeit slower than the 12% CAGR of the review period.
Additionally, statistics show a steady performance to the category’s longstanding presence as well as consumer perception of ayurvedic products.
Herbal products are safe and with no side-effects compared to allopathic alternatives. India is a country where home remedies are very prominent.
And people perceive the herbal/traditional products as an extension of home remedies. Therefore these items are very popular as health supplements.
Currently, the market for herbal supplements varies on the basis of consumer awareness, product availability, and forms of delivery, product acceptance,
and regional regulations. Rising health consciousness increased concern towards diet,
and enhanced attention towards preventive health care has made them turn towards health-imparting herbal supplements.
Cosmetics, personal care, health care and food supplements have the major share in the global herbal products market.
List Of 25 Top Small Scale Herbal Products Business
1. Alovera Gel:
Aloe vera juice is very beneficial for hair, skin and weight loss. It is gaining popularity day-by-day. Aloe Vera juice, also known as ‘Ghritkumari Saar’ in Hindi. The juice also helps to reduce chronic pain and minor infections naturally
2. Alovera Juice:
Aloe vera juice is very beneficial for hair, skin and weight loss. It is gaining popularity day-by-day. Aloe Vera juice, also known as ‘Ghritkumari Saar’ in Hindi. The juice also helps to reduce chronic pain and minor infections naturally.
3. Basil Essential Oil:
Basil essential oil is mostly used for respiratory, muscular, and joint support. However, the oil has more potential than the leaves. And it makes the oil so much more powerful in the industry. The compounds found in the oil of the steam distilled leaves, stems, and flowers are much greater than what we find in dried or even fresh leaves.
4. Chyawanprash:
Chyawanprash is a popular product. The production process is also simple. It rejuvenates all tissues in the body and supports overall strength and energy. It also promotes muscle mass. Proper distribution is required to get the marketing success.
5. Clove Powder:
The major use of clove powder is as the spice. However, concentrated clove powder is an important ingredient in cosmetics and herbal medicine industry. In addition, it is also an important ingredient for making different types of masala blends.
6. Flavoured Tea:
Tea blending is the blending of different teas together to produce a final product. This occurs chiefly, when you blend with black tea to make most tea bags. The aim of blending is to create a well-balanced flavour using different origins and characters. This also allows for variations in tea leaf quality and differences from season to season to be smoothed out.
7.Henna Powder:
Herbal henna powder has a tremendous demand in the market. Natural Henna has been employed as a cosmetic dye for application on hair, skin and nails from many centuries. Generally, we can produce the powder from Henna leaves. Laves are naturally grinded to powder that makes a smooth and strong concrete and is deep in colour. Natural Henna powder is a marvellous product for the hair since it provides natural strength. It can also be used for configuration of tattoos on a human body.
8. Herbal Agarbatti:
Herbal incense sticks are made from herbal products. Agarbatti has a good potential market in India. Profit margin is also much better than normal agarbatti made of chemicals.
9. Herbal Cough Syrup:
Herbal cough syrup is a natural alternative to conventional cough syrup. This type of cough syrup is very popular in India. They are effective, safe and free from any side effects. Today, a lot of people prefer herbal medication over chemical formulations. Many companies in India are preparing natural herbal medications for all types of conditions today.
10. Herbal Facial Cream:
People depend on herbal products for skin care instead of chemical products. Facial cream is one of the most booming products in the herbal cosmetics industry. These herbal facial creams are generally made of Aloe Vera, Basil, turmeric, Lemon, Cucumber etc. Basically, the cream benefits of removing dark spots, acne, scars, pimples, dark circles, aging, and wrinkles.
11. Herbal Fairness Cream:
With sun tanning, dirt, dust and pollution we tend to lose our natural complexion. Mostly youngster will get darkened skin due to sun exposure and acne pimple marks. This is the reason of increasing the popularity of herbal fairness cream. You can start this business as small-scale basis also.
12. Herbal Hair Oil:
There are some essential and ayurvedic oils which focus on hair growth and prevent hair loss. Herbal hair oil mainly comprises of oils of vegetable in origin as the base and a suitably blended perfume. Vegetable oils commonly used are coconut, castor and sesame oils
13. Herbal Kajal & Eyeliner:
Herbal kajal and eyeliner market is booming now. Kajal and eyeliners are considered as the most important and essential cosmetics items in facial makeup. Most of the reputed cosmetics brands in India are now coming with different best types of herbal kajal and eyeliners. The gross profit margin is very lucrative.
14. Herbal Liquid Soap:
There is a wide variety of uses of herbal liquid soap. Such as body wash, hand wash, face wash etc. Every singular product has the potential market in India. You can start this business as medium and large-scale basis.
15. Herbal Mosquito Repellent:
The herbal mosquito repellent market in India is a niche segment of the retail industry and is witnessing significant growth as Indians are increasingly becoming health conscious. Due to awareness and literacy levels rising, demand for such products has been steadily increasing. Huge potential and low level of penetration induce new players to enter the market. Mosquito repellents are generally classified into mats, coils, vaporisers, aerosols and creams.
16. Herbal Shampoo:
The awareness to use personal care products made from herbs and other natural ingredients is increasing. All the materials to make herbal shampoo are easily available. Additionally, you can start herbal shampoo manufacturing unit at any location where power is available.
17. Herbal Shikakai:
Herbal shikakai powder is popular item for the nutrition of hair. Shikakai powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. It clears dandruff and cleans the dirt accumulated on the scalp. Being a natural conditioner for hair, shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth.
18. Herbal Soap :
Generally, coconut oil and extracts of different herbs are the major ingredients for making herbal soaps. The raw materials are available in the market. Among the different types of herbal soap, aloe vera soaps are very popular.
19. Jojoba Oil :
Seed from the Jojoba plant is the only botanical source of commercial quantities of unsaturated straight-chain wax esters. Jojoba Oil is a liquid wax, as opposed to other vegetable oils, which are triglycerides. The Jojoba oil is a complex solution of long chain, unbranched esters ranging from thirty-four to forty-eight carbon atoms. Jojoba Oil is an essential formulation ingredient for hair care, and cosmetic products industry.
20. Lemon Grass Oil:
Steam extraction part is popular with the structure of basket-in-water. You will find different types of automatic machines for lemon grass oil extraction. Generally, cosmetics, food products, medicines and the different household products manufacturing industries are the major consumers of this product.
21. Natural Food Colours:
Natural food colours are obtained from the number of herbs, spices, vegetables, minerals etc. Due to strict regulations, Food & Cosmetic manufacturing companies throughout the world are opting for natural colours. Colours have application in the number of industries like food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics etc. Some of the most popular natural food colours are Caramel Powder, Chlorophyll Oil, Curcumin 95% etc.
22. Natural Vanilla:
People generally use natural vanilla as flavouring agent in ice creams, candies puddings, cake mixes, gelatin desserts and soft drinks etc. And it holds about 85% of the total production volume. Rest is used in deodorants, perfumes and other fixatives and as chemical intermediates. Nowadays, vanillin has become important as the deodorant to mask the unpleasant odour of many manufactured goods, like wearing apparel, rubber goods, paper products and plastics etc.
23. Periwinkle:
Periwinkle contains more than 70 alkaloids mostly of the indole type. The rootbark contains the alkaloid Alstonine. And traditionally for its calming effect and it has the ability to reduce blood pressure. Some of the countries grow periwinkle commercially for the medicinal values. These countries are Australia, Africa, India and southern Europe.
24. Rosemary Oil:
Rosemary essential oil has insecticidal properties and is the active ingredient in a number of commercial insecticides. Like other plant essential oils, the chemical composition of rosemary oil can vary based on genotype, geography, climate, and method of preparation. The extraction process is not complex.
25. Slimming Herbal Capsule:
Changing lifestyle, lack of time for exercise and inability to control the desire for unhealthy food has proved a boon for fat-fighting solutions. Herbal slimming pills are most popular medicine for the young crowd of India. However, you will need to have proper licensing to start the production of the slimming herbal capsule.

There is more than 1000 type of herbal products in the world. These are used by end users and sometimes for commercial application for manufacturing other products. Here in this article, we have a provided a list of herbal products that have a good market and profitability.